Cat Cafe @North

adoptable kittens
Azu the cat
Ricky the cat
- (ended)

In partnership with Berkeley Animal Care Services, the Berkeley Public Library is hosting Cat Cafe at North Branch Library on Thursday, August 24 from 3pm to 5pm!

Meet adoptable cats, enjoy some hot chocolate, browse information on pet care, and do a cat-themed craft in the Community Meeting Room. These cats are in need of forever homes, but adoption is not necessary to visit.  All are welcome; children, please bring parents.

Call 510-981-6250 or visit North Branch to sign up for a timeslot.



Berkeley's animal shelter, known as Berkeley Animal Care Services, is the only shelter in Berkeley that opens its doors to any dog or cat in Berkeley that needs a new home. We also take on injured wildlife, which we transfer to wildlife rescues.

We provide comprehensive veterinary care, socialization, and training to ensure that our dogs, cats, and other animals are ready for their new homes. We support pet owners in need, including offering veterinary services to our unhoused community.

You can become one of our many volunteers, who make sure animals in our care are well loved during the preparation process.

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