
Learn strategies and winning moves with Larry Snyder, a National Master. Free and for all ages and skill levels.

Join us for fun stories and songs during the winter season inside the Central Children's Room on the 4th Floor of the Central Branch! Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers and their families are all welcome… more

Learn how to create your own unique and artistic fabric collages using a technique called rough edge appliqué!

Silent Book Club: the Introvert Happy Hour at the Claremont Branch Library.

All readers (any age) reading in any format are welcome to attend.

Masks required for adults at this event!  Playgroups give children ages 0-5 a place to pretend, play, celebrate music, create art, and dream up inventions while giving parents new parenting… more

At eLibrary Help Hour at North Branch, you'll learn about our eLibrary resources, including streaming movies, eBooks, eAudiobooks, online magazines and newspapers.

Join us for a wonderful art talk! FASHIONING SAN FRANCISCO: A Century of Style

William Walsh, a certified yoga instructor,  will lead a 4 week series of yoga classes that emphasize alignment and gentle flowing movement in a supportive environment.  This class is… more