
Free lunch for Youths ages 18 and under including activities like crafts, reading buddies, cooking demos, games and more.

Come to the second-floor central library public computer area and use our computers or bring your own device (no appointment needed).

Bring your creative ideas to this monthly drop-in art and crafts studio. Topics and projects will vary each session.

Come join us every Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 PM PST on Zoom for conversation in a friendly and relaxed setting.  All levels of ESL learners are welcome to join from the comfort of your own… more

Join us for a story time with yoga poses along with books, music, and movement activities.  Please bring yoga mats or exercise mat.

Kya becomes drawn in to small town life after a man she was involved with is murdered and she becomes a suspect.(pg-13)

Join us at the Berkeley Public Library to learn about the basics of digital literacy in partnership with the YWCA.

Playreaders do exactly what the name says: it's an interactive program where participants read aloud from plays, changing parts frequently so everyone gets a chance to bring theater to life.… more

Free lunch for Youths ages 18 and under including activities like crafts, reading buddies, cooking demos, games and more.

Free lunch for Youths ages 18 and under including activities like crafts, reading buddies, cooking demos, games and more.