
Family storytime for ages 2-5

Mondays, 6:30PM-7:00PM

at the Central Library, 4th Floor  2090 Kittredge St in Berkeley

Come join us every Tuesday from 10:30-12:00 PM PST on Zoom for conversation in a friendly and relaxed setting.  All levels of ESL learners are welcome to join from the comfort of your own… more

Friends, snacks, games, anime, and other activities - every Tuesday at Tarea Hall Pittman South Branch beginning at 4. All teens are welcome!

Every month, learn about cutting-edge research happening at UC Berkeley, directly from the scientists themselves.

Come to the second-floor central library public computer area and use our computers or bring your own device (no appointment needed).

Come join us every Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 PM PST on Zoom for conversation in a friendly and relaxed setting.  All levels of ESL learners are welcome to join from the comfort of your own… more

Stay-n-Play a while, right after our Bilingual Baby Bounce. It's a great way to build social and emotional skills by spending time together!