Resumes: Get Interviews YOU Want

- (ended)

Show--don't tell--your strengths. Re-express your capabilities as benefits to your employer. Bring more of your strengths onto the resume. Boost your resume's visual impact and compel your reviewers to bring you in for an interview. At this workshop we will emphasize ways to center your reader's attention around your strengths and the positive differences you can make. In addition, we will cover resume strategies that can improve your job campaign success in presenting re-entry, gaps, new industry, new level, new job function, new degree/ certification, and more. Use of proven marketing communication techniques that work for big branders may be appropriate for you. You will also learn ways to reinforce your impact by appending stories, testimonials, and descriptions of challenges met. Along with your cover letter, emails, and thank you notes, your career campaign includes your LinkedIn page, and may include a portfolio and your own website.

Attend the event via Zoom at

For more information, visit Marilyn's group:

After the workshop attendees will have the option to coordinate with Marilyn to arrange a free one on one resume critque session over Zoom or the phone.

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