Based on the novel by Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima tells the coming of age story of a young boy guided by a powerful medicine woman in 1940s New Mexico. " As the entire world is plunged into war for a second time, Antonio Márez (Luke Ganalon) grapples with the harsh realities all around him. His life is forever changed by the sudden arrival of Ultima (Miriam Colon), a woman with supernatural healing powers, who has come to his family on a mission of kindness. As Ultima inspires Antonio to question authority and see the world from a new perspective, the young boy witnesses a series of seemingly impossible events that have a profound impact on his concepts of divinity and fate." ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Please join us for tonight's movie and help us celebrate National Library Card Sign Up Month and LatinX Heritage month, which began on September 15.