eBooks & eAudiobooks

Download a new favorite book to read or listen.

Overdrive provides a large and ever-growing collection of ebooks and digital audiobooks. Download the free Libby app, or visit the website libbyapp.com  then listen or read on your device. Please see this page for support. 

SimplyE can be used for Overdrive eBooks.

BPL card holders can now check out up to ten Overdrive items simultaneously!

Note: Libby's minimum iOS is iOS 10.

NOTE: OverDrive is not available through our OPAC terminals. Check out a Chromebook at any branch to use this resource.

Kanopy is now accessible through the Extras section on the Libby app. 

NOTE: The OverDrive app is no longer available.
Libby help: How-to videos and step-by-step instructions on Libby Help explain how to use the app.
Transition to Libby overview page: This informational page for users includes an overview about this change, FAQs, and training opportunities.
Virtual training: Users can sign up for a virtual training session hosted by team OverDrive.

On enki library, you can find fiction and nonfiction from independent publishers, including UC Press and McGraw-Hill; recovered classics; and much more!

SimplyE is the optimal way to access the enki library on your iOS or Android device.


Enjoy thousands of titles –books, music, audiobooks, and films - available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to tablets, computers and Android and IOS smartphones.

To begin, go to hoopladigital.com and:

1. Follow the fast and easy sign-up process using your library card.

2. If you want hoopla on the go, install the free mobile app on your iOS or Android device.

That's it! No holds, no waiting! You can borrow up to 10 items per month. Borrowing times are 21 days for audiobook, eBook and comics, 7 days for music, and 3 days for videos.

Questions? Check out https://www.hoopladigital.com/feedback

NOTE: Hoopla is not available through our OPAC terminals. Check out a Chromebook at any branch to use this resource.

Safari is now O’Reilly for Public Libraries.

With O’Reilly for Public Libraries, you  get unlimited access to 50K+ titles (including O’Reilly books in early release), 30K+ hours of video, case studies from top companies, learning paths, expert playlists, and more—with nearly 1,000 topics to explore in technology and business. And with a range of content formats tailored to all levels, you can learn in the way that works best for you.

NOTE: O'Reilly is not available through our OPAC terminals. Check out a Chromebook at any branch to use this resource.

Use SimplyE to find download and read thousands of titles on your mobile device.
Let us help you find more books to read!  Based on the interests you indicate, library staff will identify 3-6 books (or audiobooks!) for you and will place them on hold. Your personalized book picks will be placed on hold in your account within one week after you submit this form. Expect an email when the materials are ready, and you will have one week to pick them up at the… Read More
See all download and streaming resources including a rich collection of Movies and Music.

¡Presentamos MakeMake libros electrónicos en español para niños!

MakeMake es una colección de 500 libros electrónicos en español de alta calidad para jóvenes de 3 a 12 años. Esta colección incluye libros ilustrados, libros de lectura, ficción y libros interactivos donde los niños pueden leer y escuchar el texto al mismo tiempo. La interfaz y la búsqueda están en español y la mayoría de los títulos de MakeMake están escritos por escritores latinoamericanos. Todo lo que necesita es una tarjeta de la Biblioteca Pública de Berkeley para acceder a MakeMake en una PC, tableta o teléfono inteligente. MakeMake proporciona acceso simultáneo ilimitado sin límites de salida ni listas de espera

Introducing MakeMake Spanish eBooks for Children!
MakeMake is a collection of 500 high-quality Spanish language e-books for youth ages 3-12. This collection includes picture books, read-along books, fiction and interactive books where kids can read and listen to the text at the same time.  The interface and search is in Spanish and most of the titles on MakeMake are written by Latin American writers.  All you need is a Berkeley Public Library card to access MakeMake on a PC, tablet or smartphone. MakeMake provides unlimited simultaneous access with no check out limits or waitlists.