Choose from 70+ world languages to learn with tools that adapt to how you learn best. Listen to conversations between native speakers, and use Voice Comparison to match your pronunciation with native-speaker audio. Try Mango now!
International Languages
Learn how to start conversations in American Sign Language with basic greetings, introductory phrases, and important cultural insights. The lessons provide modeling by native ASL signers with a variety of ASL accents.
Access Mango Inside directly or log into your Mango Languages account and search 'ASL' in the language search bar.
¡Presentamos MakeMake libros electrónicos en español para niños!
MakeMake es una colección de 500 libros electrónicos en español de alta calidad para jóvenes de 3 a 12 años. Esta colección incluye libros ilustrados, libros de lectura, ficción y libros interactivos donde los niños pueden leer y escuchar el texto al mismo tiempo. La interfaz y la búsqueda están en español y la mayoría de los títulos de MakeMake están escritos por escritores latinoamericanos. Todo lo que necesita es una tarjeta de la Biblioteca Pública de Berkeley para acceder a MakeMake en una PC, tableta o teléfono inteligente. MakeMake proporciona acceso simultáneo ilimitado sin límites de salida ni listas de espera
Introducing MakeMake Spanish eBooks for Children!
MakeMake is a collection of 500 high-quality Spanish language e-books for youth ages 3-12. This collection includes picture books, read-along books, fiction and interactive books where kids can read and listen to the text at the same time. The interface and search is in Spanish and most of the titles on MakeMake are written by Latin American writers. All you need is a Berkeley Public Library card to access MakeMake on a PC, tablet or smartphone. MakeMake provides unlimited simultaneous access with no check out limits or waitlists.
Informacion oficial del gobierno en español. Debe utilizar equipos con acceso a internet.
GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE for Culture • History • Language • Travel • Education
Features information about 175 countries, including culture, history, language and travel. Great for school reports and cultural exploration.
An authoritative guide to the English Language, featuring the meaning, history, usage, and pronunciation of words. The online version of the Oxford English Dictionary contains the complete text of the 20-volume 2nd edition and all work to date on the 3rd edition including regular updates and revisions. Research over 1000 years of English through entries for 600,000 words.