Nonprofit Organizations

Bananas, Nonprofit  1977
Bananas, Nonprofit 1977

Find a wealth of helpful resources including books, periodicals and databases related to nonprofit management.

We are a Funding Information Network partner of Candid, a leading authority on organized philanthropy, and provide free access to Foundation Directory Online, books, and online resources. You may contact Candid for real time support.

Community resources: local organizations, agencies, services, non profits, clubs, in and around Berkeley.

Candid provides access to Foundation Directory Professional, Foundation Grants to Individuals Online, Foundation Guide to Proposals Online, Foundation Guide to Proposal Writing and  

You can access Candid’s ( Foundation Directory Online from Inside the library. Berkeley Public Library can help you get access to Candid so you can explore their site. You will need to contact Candid via their FAQs or their Contact form for more in-depth assistance. Contact us here for help.

These groups help with specific needs or projects by placing experienced professionals with nonprofits. This may be fee-based or free; free consultants are usually volunteers or are grant-funded.

Connect volunteers with your nonprofit.