Poetry reading: Brandon Logans w/ Q&A by Sam Sax

Brandon Logans headshot
Sam Sax headshot

Join us for an afternoon of poetry with Oakland based poet, Brandon Logans. Brandon Logans will share poems from his recent publication "Phosphene" and lead in a discussion with Q&A hosted by Sam Sax, a two-time Bay Area Grand Slam Champion and author of debut book "Yr Dead".




Book cover of Phosphene, by Brandon Logans

About Poet:
Brandon Logans is a poet from Oakland with an MFA from Mills College in Poetry. His recent publication, "Phosphene" was picked up by Black Lawrence Press in 2023.  Phosphene "is a cyclical underworld journey, where light is both pressure and maze. The poetic voice meanders in the inbetween, a porous vessel, negotiating what it means to survive, be perceived, and the conundrum of escape between these densities of alienation" (Black Lawrence Press).


Book cover of Yr Dead, by Sam Sax

Q&A host:
Sam Sax is a Bay Area queer, jewish, writer and educator. They're debut novel "Yr Dead" (McSweeneys 2024) follows "PIG", their third collection of poems "named one of the best books of 2023 by New York Magazine and Electric Lit." (samsax.com). "Sam has received fellowships from The NEA, Poetry Foundation, The Academy of American Poets, and Yaddo, and is currently serving as an ITALIC Lecturer at Stanford University." (McSweeneys)

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